Biblical Conflict Resolution
Dr. Davis is a Master Trainer and Practitioner of the Peace Pursuit model, and offers her specialized expertise in the following areas:
· Training in conflict resolution methods for any size group
· Individual coaching to resolve damaged personal relationships
· Mediation between conflicted parties
· Team-focused retreats to promote healthier teaming dynamics and decrease conflicts
· Strategic integration of healthy teaming principles into ministry and organizational cultures
Dr. Davis’s research in the specialized field of Conflict Psychology addresses interpersonal relational conflicts and the individualized ways that each person reacts when a conflict occurs. She continues to research, write, and teach about this complex issue, working in academic, ministry, and professional consulting settings.
If you have an interest in individual help with a painful conflict,
If you are interested in equipping your church leaders to respond to conflicts,
If you are interested in planning a large-group training events,
Then let us know!
Just fill out the form below to let us know how we can help!